

I like gardening although I'm still young. yes, gardening sounds old fashion, but it makes me sweaty so I don't have to go to a sauna place. it makes me move the whole body so I don't have to go to the gym. it gives me a satisfaction feeling when the plants are growing well - no rotten roots, no bugs eating the leaves, flowers blooming.

to do gardening I don't have to have a big backyard like my mom's. I plant almost all the plants in the pots so I can move them around whenever I want. only 10% are planted on the ground. I even plant the herbs and spices such as daun jeruk, jeruk purut, jeruk nipis, kemangi leaves, daun salam, jahe, kencur, kunyit, sereh, sirih, sirih merah, and daun ginseng. I know those things are available in the supermarket. you can just grab and pay. however, the prices are increases and the most important is I want to have those things fresh and available instantly when I need them.

I cook the instant noodle mix with daun ginseng, thin cut of sereh, or daun jeruk... hmmm... smells good. or I cook the meatball pasta - to get rid of the smell from the ground beef I put daun jeruk, daun salam, and thin cut of sereh. it's so yummy and smells good.

to get rid of acne I crush 2 daun sirih and put it on. it really works well. and, since kaka nina and I get a lot of mimisan (nose bleeding) we have to have daun sirih ready whenever we need it.

let's go green guys!
I guess gardening is including... :)

1 comment:

Maggie said...

I WISH I can do what you do!! Hopefully soon I have my own garden too! Enak yaa.. bisa petik2x dari garden sendiri! foto2x ya so we can see how pretty it looks! :)