

This year IS a busy year for our family. Preparing for our 3rd baby of course. Not only preparing our mental, but also our house. We have to enlarge the kid's bedrooms; and remodel our bathroom into just a shower (get rid of the bath tub). This idea is of course coming out of my dearest hubby - papa nina. He becomes very worried that I may fall down when I jump out of the bath tub. So for now I take a shower at Nina's bathroom :)

Preparing nina and kaka-nina that they will have a baby brother/sister is kind of difficult. Kaka-nina felt a little bit sad. He said that my chance to stay alive is 50-50 during the labor of the baby. This statement of course surprised me. So I tried to calm him down by telling him that he better pray mommy and the baby will be safe.

Meanwhile, nina as a three-year-old girl, keeps changing her mind. One day she told me to have a baby sister. The next day she told me to have a baby boy.


Maggie said...

Hai mbak! I like your blog! I want to keep visiting and reading it! Visit mine too ok? Udah pregnant juga yaaa.. congrats ya! I'll keep you in my prayers! Kirim salam ya buat your mom, dad, suami and all the kids too!

Jendela ilmu anak muslim said...

hei..ta....ini Une....lg waiting ya..syukurlah, mudah2an lancar....seneng dengernya....aku cukup dua aja, Ta, abis kerja jg seh...busy mom bgt...happy pregnant ya!